
What is instance-data?

instance-data is a JSON object which contains instance-specific variables in a standardized format. These variables may be used in cloud-init templated cloud-init configurations.

An example of a small subset of instance-data on a launched EC2 instance:

  "v1": {
    "cloud_name": "aws",
    "distro": "ubuntu",
    "distro_release": "jammy",
    "distro_version": "22.04",
    "instance_id": "i-06b5687b4d7b8595d",
    "machine": "x86_64",
    "platform": "ec2",
    "python_version": "3.10.4",
    "region": "us-east-2",
    "variant": "ubuntu"


instance-data can be inspected on a launched instance using cloud-init query. Warnings or exceptions will be raised on invalid instance-data keys, paths, or invalid syntax.

The query command also publishes userdata and vendordata keys to the root user which will contain the decoded user-data and vendor-data provided to this instance. Non-root users referencing userdata or vendordata keys will see only redacted values.


To save time designing a user data template for a specific cloud’s instance-data.json, use the render command on an instance booted on your favorite cloud. See devel for more information.

Using instance-data

instance-data can be used in the following configuration types:

The aforementioned configuration sources support jinja template rendering. When the first line of the provided configuration begins with ## template: jinja, cloud-init will use jinja to render that file. Any instance-data variables are surfaced as jinja template variables.


Trying to reference jinja variables that don’t exist in instance-data will result in warnings in /var/log/cloud-init.log and the following string in your rendered user-data: CI_MISSING_JINJA_VAR/<your_varname>.

Sensitive data such as user passwords may be contained in instance-data. Cloud-init separates this sensitive data such that is it only readable by root. In the case that a non-root user attempts to read sensitive instance-data, they will receive redacted data or the same warnings and text that occur if a variable does not exist.

Example: Cloud config with instance-data

## template: jinja
    - echo 'EC2 public hostname allocated to instance: {{
      ds.meta_data.public_hostname }}' > /tmp/instance_metadata
    - echo 'EC2 availability zone: {{ v1.availability_zone }}' >>
    - curl -X POST -d '{"hostname": "{{ds.meta_data.public_hostname }}",
      "availability-zone": "{{ v1.availability_zone }}"}'

Example: User-data script with instance-data

## template: jinja
{% if v1.region == 'us-east-2' -%}
echo 'Installing custom proxies for {{ v1.region }}'
sudo apt-get install my-xtra-fast-stack
{%- endif %}

Example: CLI discovery of instance-data

# List all instance-data keys and values as root user
$ sudo cloud-init query --all

# List all top-level instance-data keys available
$ cloud-init query --list-keys

# Introspect nested keys on an object
$ cloud-init query -f "{{ds.keys()}}"
dict_keys(['meta_data', '_doc'])

# Failure to reference valid dot-delimited key path on a known top-level key
$ cloud-init query v1.not_here
ERROR: instance-data 'v1' has no 'not_here'

# Test expected value using valid instance-data key path
$ cloud-init query -f "My AMI: {{ds.meta_data.ami_id}}"
My AMI: ami-0fecc35d3c8ba8d60

# The --format command renders jinja templates, this can also be used
# to develop and test jinja template constructs
$ cat > test-templating.yaml <<EOF
  {% for val in ds.meta_data.keys() %}
  - {{ val }}
  {% endfor %}
$ cloud-init query --format="$( cat test-templating.yaml )"
- instance_id
- dsmode
- local_hostname


Storage locations

  • /run/cloud-init/instance-data.json: world-readable JSON containing standardized keys, sensitive keys redacted.

  • /run/cloud-init/instance-data-sensitive.json: root-readable unredacted JSON blob.

  • /run/cloud-init/combined-cloud-config.json: root-readable unredacted JSON blob. Any meta-data, vendor-data and user-data overrides are applied to the /run/cloud-init/combined-cloud-config.json config values.

instance-data.json top level keys


A list of forward-slash delimited key paths into the instance-data.json object whose value is base64encoded for JSON compatibility. Values at these paths should be decoded to get the original value.


A dictionary of feature name and boolean value pairs. A value of True means the feature is enabled.


A list of forward-slash delimited key paths into the instance-data.json object whose value is considered by the datasource as ‘security sensitive’. Only the keys listed here will be redacted from instance-data.json for non-root users.


Deprecated use merged_system_cfg instead.


Merged cloud-init Base configuration from /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and /etc/cloud/cloud-cfg.d. Values under this key could contain sensitive information such as passwords, so it is included in the sensitive-keys list which is only readable by root.


merged_system_cfg represents only the merged config from the underlying filesystem. These values can be overridden by meta-data, vendor-data or user-data. The fully merged cloud-config provided to a machine which accounts for any supplemental overrides is the file /run/cloud-init/combined-cloud-config.json.


Datasource-specific data crawled for the specific cloud platform. It should closely represent the structure of the data crawled. The structure of content and details provided are entirely cloud-dependent. Mileage will vary depending on what the cloud exposes. The content exposed under the ds key is currently experimental and expected to change slightly in the upcoming cloud-init release.


Information about the underlying OS, Python, architecture and kernel. This represents the data collected by cloudinit.util.system_info.


This is a cloud-init configuration key present in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg which describes cloud-init’s configured default_user, distro, network renderers, and paths that cloud-init will use. Not to be confused with the underlying host sys_info key above.


Standardized cloud-init data keys, these keys are guaranteed to exist on all cloud platforms. They will also retain their current behaviour and format, and will be carried forward even if cloud-init introduces a new version of standardized keys with v2.

To cut down on keystrokes on the command line, cloud-init also provides top-level key aliases for any standardized v# keys present. The preceding v1 is not required of v1.var_name These aliases will represent the value of the highest versioned standard key. For example, cloud_name value will be v2.cloud_name if both v1 and v2 keys are present in instance-data.json.

Cloud-init also provides jinja-safe key aliases for any instance-data keys which contain jinja operator characters such as +, -, ., /, etc. Any jinja operator will be replaced with underscores in the jinja-safe key alias. This allows for cloud-init templates to use aliased variable references which allow for jinja’s dot-notation reference such as {{ ds.v1_0.my_safe_key }} instead of {{ ds["v1.0"]["my/safe-key"] }}.

Standardized instance-data.json v1 keys


List of standardized keys still in ‘beta’. The format, intent or presence of these keys can change. Do not consider them production-ready.

Example output:

  • [subplatform]


Where possible this will indicate the ‘name’ of the cloud the system is running on. This is different than the ‘platform’ item. For example, the cloud name of Amazon Web Services is ‘aws’, while the platform is ‘ec2’.

If determining a specific name is not possible or provided in meta-data, then this field may contain the same content as ‘platform’.

Example output:

  • aws

  • openstack

  • azure

  • configdrive

  • nocloud

  • ovf

v1.distro, v1.distro_version, v1.distro_release

This shall be the distro name, version and release as determined by cloudinit.util.get_linux_distro.

Example output:

  • alpine, 3.12.0, ‘Alpine Linux v3.12’

  • centos, 7.5, core

  • debian, 9, stretch

  • freebsd, 12.0-release-p10,

  • opensuse, 42.3, x86_64

  • opensuse-tumbleweed, 20180920, x86_64

  • redhat, 7.5, ‘maipo’

  • sles, 12.3, x86_64

  • ubuntu, 20.04, focal


Unique instance_id allocated by the cloud.

Example output:

  • i-<hash>


This shall be the running kernel uname -r.

Example output:

  • 5.3.0-1010-aws


The internal or local hostname of the system.

Example output:

  • ip-10-41-41-70

  • <user-provided-hostname>


This shall be the running cpu machine architecture uname -m.

Example output:

  • x86_64

  • i686

  • ppc64le

  • s390x


An attempt to identify the cloud platform instance that the system is running on.

Example output:

  • ec2

  • openstack

  • lxd

  • gce

  • nocloud

  • ovf


Detailed platform information. Subplatform format is:

<subplatform_type> (<url_file_or_dev_path>)

Example output:

  • metadata (

  • seed-dir (/path/to/seed-dir/)

  • config-disk (/dev/cd0)

  • configdrive (/dev/sr0)


A list of SSH keys provided to the instance by the datasource.

Example output:

  • [‘ssh-rsa AA…’, …]


The version of Python that is running cloud-init as determined by cloudinit.util.system_info.

Example output:

  • 3.7.6


The physical region/data centre in which the instance is deployed.

Example output:

  • us-east-2


The physical availability zone in which the instance is deployed.

Example output:

  • us-east-2b

  • nova

  • null

Example Output

Below is an example of /run/cloud-init/instance-data-sensitive.json on an EC2 instance:

 "_beta_keys": [
 "availability_zone": "us-east-1b",
 "base64_encoded_keys": [],
 "merged_cfg": {
  "_doc": "Merged cloud-init base config from /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/",
  "_log": [
   "[loggers]\nkeys=root,cloudinit\n\n[handlers]\nkeys=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler\n\n[formatters]\nkeys=simpleFormatter,arg0Formatter\n\n[logger_root]\nlevel=DEBUG\nhandlers=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler\n\n[logger_cloudinit]\nlevel=DEBUG\nqualname=cloudinit\nhandlers=\npropagate=1\n\n[handler_consoleHandler]\nclass=StreamHandler\nlevel=WARNING\nformatter=arg0Formatter\nargs=(sys.stderr,)\n\n[formatter_arg0Formatter]\nformat=%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s\n\n[formatter_simpleFormatter]\nformat=[CLOUDINIT] %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s\n",
   "[handler_cloudLogHandler]\nclass=handlers.SysLogHandler\nlevel=DEBUG\nformatter=simpleFormatter\nargs=(\"/dev/log\", handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_USER)\n"
  "cloud_config_modules": [
  "cloud_final_modules": [
  "cloud_init_modules": [
  "datasource_list": [
  "def_log_file": "/var/log/cloud-init.log",
  "disable_root": true,
  "log_cfgs": [
    "[loggers]\nkeys=root,cloudinit\n\n[handlers]\nkeys=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler\n\n[formatters]\nkeys=simpleFormatter,arg0Formatter\n\n[logger_root]\nlevel=DEBUG\nhandlers=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler\n\n[logger_cloudinit]\nlevel=DEBUG\nqualname=cloudinit\nhandlers=\npropagate=1\n\n[handler_consoleHandler]\nclass=StreamHandler\nlevel=WARNING\nformatter=arg0Formatter\nargs=(sys.stderr,)\n\n[formatter_arg0Formatter]\nformat=%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s\n\n[formatter_simpleFormatter]\nformat=[CLOUDINIT] %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s\n",
  "output": {
   "all": "| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log"
  "preserve_hostname": false,
  "syslog_fix_perms": [
  "users": [
  "vendor_data": {
   "enabled": true,
   "prefix": []
 "cloud_name": "aws",
 "distro": "ubuntu",
 "distro_release": "focal",
 "distro_version": "20.04",
 "ds": {
  "_doc": "EXPERIMENTAL: The structure and format of content scoped under the 'ds' key may change in subsequent releases of cloud-init.",
  "_metadata_api_version": "2016-09-02",
  "dynamic": {
   "instance_identity": {
    "document": {
     "accountId": "329910648901",
     "architecture": "x86_64",
     "availabilityZone": "us-east-1b",
     "billingProducts": null,
     "devpayProductCodes": null,
     "imageId": "ami-02e8aa396f8be3b6d",
     "instanceId": "i-0929128ff2f73a2f1",
     "instanceType": "t2.micro",
     "kernelId": null,
     "marketplaceProductCodes": null,
     "pendingTime": "2020-02-27T20:46:18Z",
     "privateIp": "",
     "ramdiskId": null,
     "region": "us-east-1",
     "version": "2017-09-30"
    "pkcs7": [
    "rsa2048": [
    "signature": [
  "meta_data": {
   "ami_id": "ami-02e8aa396f8be3b6d",
   "ami_launch_index": "0",
   "ami_manifest_path": "(unknown)",
   "block_device_mapping": {
    "ami": "/dev/sda1",
    "root": "/dev/sda1"
   "hostname": "ip-172-31-81-43.ec2.internal",
   "instance_action": "none",
   "instance_id": "i-0929128ff2f73a2f1",
   "instance_type": "t2.micro",
   "local_hostname": "ip-172-31-81-43.ec2.internal",
   "local_ipv4": "",
   "mac": "12:7e:c9:93:29:af",
   "metrics": {
    "vhostmd": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
   "network": {
    "interfaces": {
     "macs": {
      "12:7e:c9:93:29:af": {
       "device_number": "0",
       "interface_id": "eni-0c07a0474339b801d",
       "ipv4_associations": {
        "": ""
       "local_hostname": "ip-172-31-81-43.ec2.internal",
       "local_ipv4s": "",
       "mac": "12:7e:c9:93:29:af",
       "owner_id": "329910648901",
       "public_hostname": "",
       "public_ipv4s": "",
       "security_group_ids": "sg-0100038b68aa79986",
       "security_groups": "launch-wizard-3",
       "subnet_id": "subnet-04e2d12a",
       "subnet_ipv4_cidr_block": "",
       "vpc_id": "vpc-210b4b5b",
       "vpc_ipv4_cidr_block": "",
       "vpc_ipv4_cidr_blocks": ""
   "placement": {
    "availability_zone": "us-east-1b"
   "profile": "default-hvm",
   "public_hostname": "",
   "public_ipv4": "",
   "reservation_id": "r-0c481643d15766a02",
   "security_groups": "launch-wizard-3",
   "services": {
    "domain": "",
    "partition": "aws"
 "instance_id": "i-0929128ff2f73a2f1",
 "kernel_release": "5.3.0-1010-aws",
 "local_hostname": "ip-172-31-81-43",
 "machine": "x86_64",
 "platform": "ec2",
 "public_ssh_keys": [],
 "python_version": "3.7.6",
 "region": "us-east-1",
 "sensitive_keys": [],
 "subplatform": "metadata (",
 "sys_info": {
  "dist": [
  "platform": "Linux-5.3.0-1010-aws-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-20.04-focal",
  "python": "3.7.6",
  "release": "5.3.0-1010-aws",
  "system": "Linux",
  "uname": [
   "#11-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 16 07:59:32 UTC 2020",
  "variant": "ubuntu"
 "system_platform": "Linux-5.3.0-1010-aws-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-20.04-focal",
 "userdata": "#cloud-config\nssh_import_id: [<my-launchpad-id>]\n...",
 "v1": {
  "_beta_keys": [
  "availability_zone": "us-east-1b",
  "cloud_name": "aws",
  "distro": "ubuntu",
  "distro_release": "focal",
  "distro_version": "20.04",
  "instance_id": "i-0929128ff2f73a2f1",
  "kernel": "5.3.0-1010-aws",
  "local_hostname": "ip-172-31-81-43",
  "machine": "x86_64",
  "platform": "ec2",
  "public_ssh_keys": [],
  "python": "3.7.6",
  "region": "us-east-1",
  "subplatform": "metadata (",
  "system_platform": "Linux-5.3.0-1010-aws-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-20.04-focal",
  "variant": "ubuntu"
 "variant": "ubuntu",
 "vendordata": ""