How do I get help?

Having trouble? We would like to help!

  • First go through this page with answers to common questions

  • Use the search bar at the upper left to search our documentation

  • Ask questions in the #cloud-init IRC channel on Libera

  • Join and ask questions on the cloud-init mailing list

  • Find a bug? Check out the Reporting bugs topic to find out how to report one


Other projects, such as Subiquity autoinstaller, use cloud-init to implement a subset of their features and have a YAML configuration format which combines cloud-init’s cloud-config with additional keys.

If you are an autoinstall user, please direct questions to their IRC channel (#ubuntu-server on Libera).

Can I use cloud-init as a library?

Please don’t. Some projects do. However, cloud-init does not currently make any API guarantees to either external consumers or out-of-tree datasources / modules. Current users of cloud-init as a library are projects that have close contact with cloud-init, which is why this (fragile) model currently works.

For those that choose to ignore this advice, logging in cloud-init is configured in cloud-init/cmd/main.py, and reconfigured in the cc_rsyslog module for obvious reasons.

Where can I learn more?

Below are some videos, blog posts, and white papers about cloud-init from a variety of sources.


Blog Posts:

