.. _instance_metadata: Instance metadata ***************** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: kernel-command-line.rst What is ``instance-data?`` ========================== ``instance-data`` is a JSON object which contains instance-specific variables in a standardized format. These variables may be used in ``cloud-init`` templated cloud-init configurations. An example of a small subset of instance-data on a launched EC2 instance: .. code-block:: json { "v1": { "cloud_name": "aws", "distro": "ubuntu", "distro_release": "jammy", "distro_version": "22.04", "instance_id": "i-06b5687b4d7b8595d", "machine": "x86_64", "platform": "ec2", "python_version": "3.10.4", "region": "us-east-2", "variant": "ubuntu" } } Discovery ========= ``instance-data`` can be inspected on a launched instance using :ref:`cloud-init query`. Warnings or exceptions will be raised on invalid ``instance-data`` keys, paths, or invalid syntax. The :command:`query` command also publishes ``userdata`` and ``vendordata`` keys to the root user which will contain the decoded user and vendor data provided to this instance. Non-root users referencing ``userdata`` or ``vendordata`` keys will see only redacted values. .. note:: To save time designing a user data template for a specific cloud's :file:`instance-data.json`, use the :command:`render` command on an instance booted on your favorite cloud. See :ref:`cli_devel` for more information. .. _instancedata-Using: Using ``instance-data`` ======================= ``instance-data`` can be used in the following configuration types: * :ref:`User data scripts`. * :ref:`Cloud-config`. * :ref:`Base configuration`. * Command line interface via :command:`cloud-init query` or :command:`cloud-init devel render`. The aforementioned configuration sources support jinja template rendering. When the first line of the provided configuration begins with **## template: jinja**, ``cloud-init`` will use jinja to render that file. Any ``instance-data`` variables are surfaced as jinja template variables. .. note:: Trying to reference jinja variables that don't exist in ``instance-data`` will result in warnings in :file:`/var/log/cloud-init.log` and the following string in your rendered :file:`user-data`: ``CI_MISSING_JINJA_VAR/``. Sensitive data such as user passwords may be contained in ``instance-data``. ``Cloud-init`` separates this sensitive data such that is it only readable by root. In the case that a non-root user attempts to read sensitive ``instance-data``, they will receive redacted data or the same warnings and text that occur if a variable does not exist. Example: Cloud config with ``instance-data`` -------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: yaml ## template: jinja #cloud-config runcmd: - echo 'EC2 public hostname allocated to instance: {{ ds.meta_data.public_hostname }}' > /tmp/instance_metadata - echo 'EC2 availability zone: {{ v1.availability_zone }}' >> /tmp/instance_metadata - curl -X POST -d '{"hostname": "{{ds.meta_data.public_hostname }}", "availability-zone": "{{ v1.availability_zone }}"}' https://example.com Example: User data script with ``instance-data`` ------------------------------------------------ .. code-block:: jinja ## template: jinja #!/bin/bash {% if v1.region == 'us-east-2' -%} echo 'Installing custom proxies for {{ v1.region }}' sudo apt-get install my-xtra-fast-stack {%- endif %} ... Example: CLI discovery of ``instance-data`` ------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: shell-session # List all instance-data keys and values as root user $ sudo cloud-init query --all {...} # List all top-level instance-data keys available $ cloud-init query --list-keys # Introspect nested keys on an object $ cloud-init query -f "{{ds.keys()}}" dict_keys(['meta_data', '_doc']) # Failure to reference valid dot-delimited key path on a known top-level key $ cloud-init query v1.not_here ERROR: instance-data 'v1' has no 'not_here' # Test expected value using valid instance-data key path $ cloud-init query -f "My AMI: {{ds.meta_data.ami_id}}" My AMI: ami-0fecc35d3c8ba8d60 # The --format command renders jinja templates, this can also be used # to develop and test jinja template constructs $ cat > test-templating.yaml < ``v1.kernel_release`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This shall be the running kernel ``uname -r``. Example output: - 5.3.0-1010-aws ``v1.local_hostname`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The internal or local hostname of the system. Example output: - ``ip-10-41-41-70`` - ```` ``v1.machine`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This shall be the running cpu machine architecture ``uname -m``. Example output: - x86_64 - i686 - ppc64le - s390x ``v1.platform`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An attempt to identify the cloud platform instance that the system is running on. Example output: - ec2 - openstack - lxd - gce - nocloud - ovf ``v1.subplatform`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Additional platform details describing the specific source or type of metadata used. The format of subplatform will be: `` ()`` Example output: - metadata ( - seed-dir (/path/to/seed-dir/) - config-disk (/dev/cd0) - configdrive (/dev/sr0) ``v1.public_ssh_keys`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A list of SSH keys provided to the instance by the datasource metadata. Example output: - ['ssh-rsa AA...', ...] ``v1.python_version`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The version of Python that is running ``cloud-init`` as determined by ``cloudinit.util.system_info``. Example output: - 3.7.6 ``v1.region`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The physical region/data centre in which the instance is deployed. Example output: - us-east-2 ``v1.availability_zone`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The physical availability zone in which the instance is deployed. Example output: - us-east-2b - nova - null Example Output -------------- Below is an example of ``/run/cloud-init/instance-data-sensitive.json`` on an EC2 instance: .. sourcecode:: json { "_beta_keys": [ "subplatform" ], "availability_zone": "us-east-1b", "base64_encoded_keys": [], "merged_cfg": { "_doc": "Merged cloud-init base config from /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/", "_log": [ "[loggers]\nkeys=root,cloudinit\n\n[handlers]\nkeys=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler\n\n[formatters]\nkeys=simpleFormatter,arg0Formatter\n\n[logger_root]\nlevel=DEBUG\nhandlers=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler\n\n[logger_cloudinit]\nlevel=DEBUG\nqualname=cloudinit\nhandlers=\npropagate=1\n\n[handler_consoleHandler]\nclass=StreamHandler\nlevel=WARNING\nformatter=arg0Formatter\nargs=(sys.stderr,)\n\n[formatter_arg0Formatter]\nformat=%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s\n\n[formatter_simpleFormatter]\nformat=[CLOUDINIT] %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s\n", "[handler_cloudLogHandler]\nclass=FileHandler\nlevel=DEBUG\nformatter=arg0Formatter\nargs=('/var/log/cloud-init.log',)\n", "[handler_cloudLogHandler]\nclass=handlers.SysLogHandler\nlevel=DEBUG\nformatter=simpleFormatter\nargs=(\"/dev/log\", handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_USER)\n" ], "cloud_config_modules": [ "snap", "ssh_import_id", "locale", "set_passwords", "grub_dpkg", "apt_pipelining", "apt_configure", "ubuntu_pro", "ntp", "timezone", "disable_ec2_metadata", "runcmd", "byobu" ], "cloud_final_modules": [ "package_update_upgrade_install", "fan", "landscape", "lxd", "ubuntu_drivers", "puppet", "chef", "mcollective", "salt_minion", "scripts_vendor", "scripts_per_once", "scripts_per_boot", "scripts_per_instance", "scripts_user", "ssh_authkey_fingerprints", "keys_to_console", "phone_home", "final_message", "power_state_change" ], "cloud_init_modules": [ "seed_random", "bootcmd", "write_files", "growpart", "resizefs", "disk_setup", "mounts", "set_hostname", "update_hostname", "update_etc_hosts", "ca_certs", "rsyslog", "users_groups", "ssh" ], "datasource_list": [ "Ec2", "None" ], "def_log_file": "/var/log/cloud-init.log", "disable_root": true, "log_cfgs": [ [ "[loggers]\nkeys=root,cloudinit\n\n[handlers]\nkeys=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler\n\n[formatters]\nkeys=simpleFormatter,arg0Formatter\n\n[logger_root]\nlevel=DEBUG\nhandlers=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler\n\n[logger_cloudinit]\nlevel=DEBUG\nqualname=cloudinit\nhandlers=\npropagate=1\n\n[handler_consoleHandler]\nclass=StreamHandler\nlevel=WARNING\nformatter=arg0Formatter\nargs=(sys.stderr,)\n\n[formatter_arg0Formatter]\nformat=%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s\n\n[formatter_simpleFormatter]\nformat=[CLOUDINIT] %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s\n", "[handler_cloudLogHandler]\nclass=FileHandler\nlevel=DEBUG\nformatter=arg0Formatter\nargs=('/var/log/cloud-init.log',)\n" ] ], "output": { "all": "| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log" }, "preserve_hostname": false, "syslog_fix_perms": [ "syslog:adm", "root:adm", "root:wheel", "root:root" ], "users": [ "default" ], "vendor_data": { "enabled": true, "prefix": [] } }, "cloud_name": "aws", "distro": "ubuntu", "distro_release": "focal", "distro_version": "20.04", "ds": { "_doc": "EXPERIMENTAL: The structure and format of content scoped under the 'ds' key may change in subsequent releases of cloud-init.", "_metadata_api_version": "2016-09-02", "dynamic": { "instance_identity": { "document": { "accountId": "329910648901", "architecture": "x86_64", "availabilityZone": "us-east-1b", "billingProducts": null, "devpayProductCodes": null, "imageId": "ami-02e8aa396f8be3b6d", "instanceId": "i-0929128ff2f73a2f1", "instanceType": "t2.micro", "kernelId": null, "marketplaceProductCodes": null, "pendingTime": "2020-02-27T20:46:18Z", "privateIp": "", "ramdiskId": null, "region": "us-east-1", "version": "2017-09-30" }, "pkcs7": [ "MIAGCSqGSIb3DQ...", "REDACTED", "AhQUgq0iPWqPTVnT96tZE6L1XjjLHQAAAAAAAA==" ], "rsa2048": [ "MIAGCSqGSIb...", "REDACTED", "clYQvuE45xXm7Yreg3QtQbrP//owl1eZHj6s350AAAAAAAA=" ], "signature": [ "dA+QV+LLCWCRNddnrKleYmh2GvYo+t8urDkdgmDSsPi", "REDACTED", "kDT4ygyJLFkd3b4qjAs=" ] } }, "meta_data": { "ami_id": "ami-02e8aa396f8be3b6d", "ami_launch_index": "0", "ami_manifest_path": "(unknown)", "block_device_mapping": { "ami": "/dev/sda1", "root": "/dev/sda1" }, "hostname": "ip-172-31-81-43.ec2.internal", "instance_action": "none", "instance_id": "i-0929128ff2f73a2f1", "instance_type": "t2.micro", "local_hostname": "ip-172-31-81-43.ec2.internal", "local_ipv4": "", "mac": "12:7e:c9:93:29:af", "metrics": { "vhostmd": "" }, "network": { "interfaces": { "macs": { "12:7e:c9:93:29:af": { "device_number": "0", "interface_id": "eni-0c07a0474339b801d", "ipv4_associations": { "": "" }, "local_hostname": "ip-172-31-81-43.ec2.internal", "local_ipv4s": "", "mac": "12:7e:c9:93:29:af", "owner_id": "329910648901", "public_hostname": "ec2-3-89-187-177.compute-1.amazonaws.com", "public_ipv4s": "", "security_group_ids": "sg-0100038b68aa79986", "security_groups": "launch-wizard-3", "subnet_id": "subnet-04e2d12a", "subnet_ipv4_cidr_block": "", "vpc_id": "vpc-210b4b5b", "vpc_ipv4_cidr_block": "", "vpc_ipv4_cidr_blocks": "" } } } }, "placement": { "availability_zone": "us-east-1b" }, "profile": "default-hvm", "public_hostname": "ec2-3-89-187-177.compute-1.amazonaws.com", "public_ipv4": "", "reservation_id": "r-0c481643d15766a02", "security_groups": "launch-wizard-3", "services": { "domain": "amazonaws.com", "partition": "aws" } } }, "instance_id": "i-0929128ff2f73a2f1", "kernel_release": "5.3.0-1010-aws", "local_hostname": "ip-172-31-81-43", "machine": "x86_64", "platform": "ec2", "public_ssh_keys": [], "python_version": "3.7.6", "region": "us-east-1", "sensitive_keys": [], "subplatform": "metadata (", "sys_info": { "dist": [ "ubuntu", "20.04", "focal" ], "platform": "Linux-5.3.0-1010-aws-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-20.04-focal", "python": "3.7.6", "release": "5.3.0-1010-aws", "system": "Linux", "uname": [ "Linux", "ip-172-31-81-43", "5.3.0-1010-aws", "#11-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 16 07:59:32 UTC 2020", "x86_64", "x86_64" ], "variant": "ubuntu" }, "system_platform": "Linux-5.3.0-1010-aws-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-20.04-focal", "userdata": "#cloud-config\nssh_import_id: []\n...", "v1": { "_beta_keys": [ "subplatform" ], "availability_zone": "us-east-1b", "cloud_name": "aws", "distro": "ubuntu", "distro_release": "focal", "distro_version": "20.04", "instance_id": "i-0929128ff2f73a2f1", "kernel": "5.3.0-1010-aws", "local_hostname": "ip-172-31-81-43", "machine": "x86_64", "platform": "ec2", "public_ssh_keys": [], "python": "3.7.6", "region": "us-east-1", "subplatform": "metadata (", "system_platform": "Linux-5.3.0-1010-aws-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-20.04-focal", "variant": "ubuntu" }, "variant": "ubuntu", "vendordata": "" }