Breaking changes

This section provides guidance on specific breaking changes to cloud-init releases.


These changes may not be present in all distributions of cloud-init as many operating system vendors patch out breaking changes in cloud-init to ensure consistent behavior on their platform.


Removal of --file top-level option

The --file top-level option has been removed from cloud-init. It only applied to a handful of subcommands so it did not make sense as a top-level option. Instead, --file may be passed to a subcommand that supports it. For example, the following command will no longer work:

cloud-init --file=userdata.yaml modules --mode config

Instead, use:

cloud-init modules --file=userdata.yaml --mode config

Removed Ubuntu’s ordering dependency on snapd.seeded

In Ubuntu releases, cloud-init will no longer wait on snapd pre-seeding to run. If a user-provided script relies on a snap, it must now be prefixed with snap wait system seed.loaded to ensure the snaps are ready for use. For example, a cloud config that previously included:

  - [ snap, install, mc-installer ]

Will now need to be:

  - [ snap, wait, system, seed.loaded ]
  - [ snap, install, mc-installer ]

23.2-24.1 - Datasource identification


If the detected datasource_list contains a single datasource or that datasource plus None, automatically use that datasource without checking to see if it is available. This allows for using datasources that don’t have a way to be deterministically detected.


If the detected datasource_list contains a single datasource plus None, no longer automatically use that datasource because None is a valid datasource that may be used if the primary datasource is not available.


ds-identify no longer automatically appends None to a datasource list with a single entry provided under /etc/cloud. If None is desired as a fallback, it must be explicitly added to the customized datasource list.

23.4 - added status code for recoverable error

Cloud-init return codes have been extended with a new error code (2), which will be returned when cloud-init experiences an error that it can recover from. See this page which documents the change.

23.2 - kernel command line

The ds= kernel command line value is used to forcibly select a specific datasource in cloud-init. Prior to 23.2, this only optionally selected the NoCloud datasource.

Anyone that previously had a matching ds=nocloud* in their kernel command line that did not want to use the NoCloud datasource may experience broken behavior as a result of this change.

Workarounds include updating the kernel command line and optionally configuring a datasource_list in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/*.cfg.