Run cloud-init locally with libvirt

Libvirt is a tool for managing virtual machines and containers.

Create your configuration

In this example we will create empty network-config and meta-data files, and create a user-data file with a basic cloud-init configuration.

If you have network configuration or metadata to provide, edit the network-config and meta-data files accordingly.

To create the files, run the following commands:

$ touch network-config
$ touch meta-data
$ cat >user-data <<EOF
password: password
  expire: False
ssh_pwauth: True

Download a cloud image

Download an Ubuntu image to run:


Create an instance

virt-install --name cloud-init-001 --memory 4000 --noreboot \
    --os-variant detect=on,name=ubuntujammy \
    --disk=size=10,backing_store="$(pwd)/jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" \
    --cloud-init user-data="$(pwd)/user-data,meta-data=$(pwd)/meta-data,network-config=$(pwd)/network-config"