Update the hosts file

For a full list of keys, refer to the update etc hosts module schema.

Do not update /etc/hosts

The default behavior is for cloud-init to not update or manage /etc/hosts at all. Whatever is present at instance boot time will be present after boot. User changes will not be overwritten.

2manage_etc_hosts: false

Manage /etc/hosts with cloud-init

With this example, /etc/hosts will be re-written on every boot from /etc/cloud/templates/hosts.tmpl.

The strings $hostname and $fqdn are replaced in the template with the appropriate values – either from the config-config fqdn, or hostname if provided.

When absent, the cloud metadata will be checked for local-hostname which can be split into <hostname>.<fqdn>.

To make your modifications persist across a reboot, you must modify /etc/cloud/templates/hosts.tmpl.

2manage_etc_hosts: true

Update /etc/hosts every boot

Updating /etc/hosts every boot, providing a localhost entry with the latest hostname and FQDN (as provided by either IMDS or cloud-config).

All other entries will be left unmodified.

ping hostname will ping

2manage_etc_hosts: localhost