Submit your first pull request

Follow these steps prior to submitting your first pull request to cloud-init:

Setup Git and GitHub appropriately

Understanding how to use Git and GitHub is a prerequisite for contributing to cloud-init. Please refer to the GitHub quickstart documentation for more information.

Sign the CLA

To contribute to cloud-init, you must first sign the Canonical contributor license agreement (CLA). A check is run against every pull request to ensure that the CLA has been signed.

For any questions or help with the process, email James Falcon with the subject: “Cloud-init CLA”. You can also contact user falcojr in the #cloud-init channel on the Libera IRC network.

Create a sandbox environment

It is very often helpful to create a safe and sandboxed environment to test your changes in while you work. If you are not sure how to do this, check out our QEMU tutorial, which walks through this process step-by-step.

Format the code

Apply the black and isort formatting rules with tox:

tox -e do_format

Run unit tests

Run unit tests and lint/formatting checks with tox:


Read our code review process

Once you have submitted your PR (if not earlier!) you will want to read the cloud-init Code Review Process, so you can understand how your changes will end up in cloud-init’s codebase.