This datasource supports reading data from the OpenStack Metadata Service.
The following configuration can be set for the datasource in system configuration (in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg or /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/).
The settings that may be configured are:
- metadata_urls: This list of urls will be searched for an OpenStack metadata service. The first entry that successfully returns a 200 response for <url>/openstack will be selected. (default: [‘‘]).
- max_wait: the maximum amount of clock time in seconds that should be spent searching metadata_urls. A value less than zero will result in only one request being made, to the first in the list. (default: -1)
- timeout: the timeout value provided to urlopen for each individual http request. This is used both when selecting a metadata_url and when crawling the metadata service. (default: 10)
- retries: The number of retries that should be done for an http request. This value is used only after metadata_url is selected. (default: 5)
An example configuration with the default values is provided as example below:
metadata_urls: [""]
max_wait: -1
timeout: 10
retries: 5
Vendor Data¶
The OpenStack metadata server can be configured to serve up vendor data which is available to all instances for consumption. OpenStack vendor data is, generally, a JSON object.
cloud-init will look for configuration in the cloud-init
of the vendor data JSON object. cloud-init processes this configuration
using the same handlers as user data, so any formats that work for user
data should work for vendor data.
For example, configuring the following as vendor data in OpenStack would
upgrade packages and install htop
on all instances:
{"cloud-init": "#cloud-config\npackage_upgrade: True\npackages:\n - htop"}
For more general information about how cloud-init handles vendor data, including how it can be disabled by users on instances, see Vendor Data.