Everything about cloud-init, a set of python scripts and utilities to make your cloud images be all they can be!
Cloud-init is the defacto multi-distribution package that handles early initialization of a cloud instance.
- Capabilities
- Availability
- Formats
- Directory layout
- Cloud config examples
- Including users and groups
- Writing out arbitrary files
- Adding a yum repository
- Configure an instances trusted CA certificates
- Configure an instances resolv.conf
- Install and run chef recipes
- Setup and run puppet
- Add apt repositories
- Run commands on first boot
- Alter the completion message
- Install arbitrary packages
- Update apt database on first boot
- Run apt or yum upgrade
- Adjust mount points mounted
- Call a url when finished
- Reboot/poweroff when finished
- Configure instances ssh-keys
- Additional apt configuration
- Disk setup
- Register RedHat Subscription
- Configure data sources
- Create partitions and filesystems
- Grow partitions
- Boot Stages
- Datasources
- Logging
- Modules
- Apt Configure
- Apt Pipelining
- Bootcmd
- Byobu
- CA Certs
- Chef
- Debug
- Disable EC2 Metadata
- Disk Setup
- Emit Upstart
- Fan
- Final Message
- Foo
- Growpart
- Grub Dpkg
- Keys to Console
- Landscape
- Locale
- Mcollective
- Migrator
- Mounts
- Package Update Upgrade Install
- Phone Home
- Power State Change
- Puppet
- Resizefs
- Resolv Conf
- RedHat Subscription
- Rightscale Userdata
- Rsyslog
- Runcmd
- Salt Minion
- Scripts Per Boot
- Scripts Per Instance
- Scripts Per Once
- Scripts User
- Scripts Vendor
- Seed Random
- Set Hostname
- Set Passwords
- Snappy
- Snap Config
- Spacewalk
- SSH Authkey Fingerprints
- SSH Import Id
- Timezone
- Update Etc Hosts
- Update Hostname
- Users and Groups
- Write Files
- Yum Add Repo
- Merging User-Data Sections
- Network Configuration
- Vendor Data
- Testing and debugging cloud-init
- More information
- Hacking on cloud-init
- Integration Testing