.. _cce-wireguard: Configure Wireguard tunnel ************************** In this example, we show how to configure one (or more) Wireguard interfaces, and also provide (optional) readiness probes. Each interface you wish to create will be named after the ``name`` parameter, and the config will be written to a file located under ``config_path``. The ``content`` parameter should be set with a valid Wireguard configuration. The readiness probes ensure Wireguard has connectivity before continuing the cloud-init process. This could be useful if you need access to specific services like an internal APT repository server (e.g., Landscape) to install or update packages. For a full list of keys, refer to the :ref:`Wireguard module ` schema. .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_wireguard/example1.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: