.. _cce-ubuntu-pro: Configure Ubuntu Pro services ***************************** All the examples in this page require an Ubuntu Pro contract token, which is provided with a subscription. Pro is available for free for personal use on up to five machines. Your subscription (and contract token) can be obtained from: https://ubuntu.com/pro Some services are incompatible with others and cannot be enabled at the same time. Refer to this `compatibility matrix`_ for more details. For a full list of keys, refer to the :ref:`Ubuntu Pro module ` schema. Attach machine to a subscription ================================ This example attaches the machine to the subscription linked to the contract token specified. .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_ubuntu_pro/example1.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: Attach and enable FIPS and ESM ============================== This example attaches the machine to an Ubuntu Pro subscription, also enabling the FIPS and ESM services. .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_ubuntu_pro/example2.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: Attach, enable FIPS and reboot ============================== This example shows how to attach the machine to subscription and enable the FIPS service, then perform a reboot after cloud-init has completed to ensure the machine boots into the FIPS kernel. .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_ubuntu_pro/example3.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: Configure a HTTP(S) proxy ========================= This example will set a HTTP(S) proxy before attaching the machine to subscription and enabling the FIPS service. .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_ubuntu_pro/example4.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: Auto-attach but don't enable services ===================================== Enabling services can be skipped as follows: .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_ubuntu_pro/example5.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: Enable beta services ==================== This example shows how to enable both ESM and the beta real-time kernel services. Note that real-time Ubuntu is `available on specific releases`_. .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_ubuntu_pro/example6.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: Note that a reboot will be required after the real-time kernel has been installed. Disable auto-attach =================== .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_ubuntu_pro/example7.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: .. LINKS .. _compatibility matrix: https://canonical-ubuntu-pro-client.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/references/compatibility_matrix/ .. _available on specific releases: https://documentation.ubuntu.com/real-time/en/latest/reference/releases/