.. _cce-locale-timezone: Set system locale and timezone ****************************** Configure the system locale and timezone. For a full list of keys, refer to the :ref:`locale module ` and the :ref:`timezone module ` schema. Set the system locale ===================== By default, cloud-init uses the locale specified by the datasource. Set the locale directly ----------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_locale/example1.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: Set the locale via config file ------------------------------ This example sets the locale to ``fr_CA`` in ``/etc/alternate_path/locale``. .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_locale/example2.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: Set the system timezone ======================= .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_timezone/example1.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: