.. _cce-apt: Configure APT ************* For a full list of keys, refer to the :ref:`APT configure module ` schema. Example 1 ========= Cloud-init version 23.4 will generate a ``deb822``-formatted ``sources`` file at ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d/.sources`` instead of ``/etc/apt/sources.list`` when ``sources_list`` content is in ``deb822`` format. .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_apt_configure/example2.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: Example 2 ========= .. literalinclude:: ../../../module-docs/cc_apt_configure/example1.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: Update APT on first boot ======================== This example will update the ``apt`` repository on first boot; it runs the ``apt-get update`` command. The default is ``false``. However, if packages are given, or if ``package_upgrade`` is set to ``true``, then the update will be done irrespective of this setting. .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config package_update: true Specify mirrors =============== * Default: auto select based on cloud metadata in EC2, the default is ``.archive.ubuntu.com``. One can either specify a URI to use as a mirror with the ``uri`` key, or a list of URLs using the ``search`` key, which will have cloud-init search the list for the first mirror available. This option is limited in that it only verifies that the mirror is DNS-resolvable (or an IP address). If neither mirror is set (the default), then use the mirror provided by the DataSource. In EC2, that means using ``.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com``. If no mirror is provided by the DataSource, but ``search_dns`` is true, then search for DNS names ``-mirror`` in each of: - FQDN of this host per cloud metadata - localdomain - no domain (which would search domains listed in ``/etc/resolv.conf``) If there is a DNS entry for ``-mirror``, then it is assumed that there is a distro mirror at ``http://-mirror./``. That gives the cloud provider the opportunity to set up mirrors of a distro and expose them only by creating DNS entries. If none of that is found, then the default distro mirror is used. .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config apt: primary: - arches: [default] uri: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ # or apt: primary: - arches: [default] search: - http://local-mirror.mydomain - http://archive.ubuntu.com # or apt: primary: - arches: [default] search_dns: True .. LINKS .. _APT configure module: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/modules.html#apt-configure