.. _datasource_lxd: LXD *** The LXD datasource allows the user to provide custom user data, vendor data, metadata and network-config to the instance without running a network service (or even without having a network at all). This datasource performs HTTP GETs against the `LXD socket device`_ which is provided to each running LXD container and VM as ``/dev/lxd/sock`` and represents all instance-metadata as versioned HTTP routes such as: - 1.0/meta-data - 1.0/config/user.vendor-data - 1.0/config/user.user-data - 1.0/config/user. The LXD socket device ``/dev/lxd/sock`` is only present on containers and VMs when the instance configuration has ``security.devlxd=true`` (default). Disabling the ``security.devlxd`` configuration setting at initial launch will ensure that ``cloud-init`` uses the :ref:`datasource_nocloud` datasource. Disabling ``security.devlxd`` over the life of the container will result in warnings from ``cloud-init``, and ``cloud-init`` will keep the originally-detected LXD datasource. The LXD datasource is detected as viable by ``ds-identify`` during the :ref:`detect stage` when either ``/dev/lxd/sock`` exists or ``/sys/class/dmi/id/board_name`` matches "LXD". The LXD datasource provides ``cloud-init`` with the ability to react to metadata, vendor data, user data and network-config changes, and to render the updated configuration across a system reboot. To modify which metadata, vendor data or user data are provided to the launched container, use either LXD profiles or ``lxc launch ... -c =""`` at initial container launch, by setting one of the following keys: - ``cloud-init.vendor-data``: YAML which overrides any metadata values. - ``cloud-init.network-config``: YAML representing either :ref:`network_config_v1` or :ref:`network_config_v2` format. - ``cloud-init.user-data``: YAML which takes precedence and overrides both metadata and vendor data values. - ``user.``: Keys prefixed with ``user.`` are included in :ref:`instance data` under the ``ds.config`` key. These key value pairs are used in jinja :ref:`cloud-config` and :ref:`user data scripts`. These key-value pairs may be inspected on a launched instance using ``cloud-init query ds.config``. .. note:: Periods (.) and hyphens (-) in Jinja2 have special meaning. Keys which contain a period or hyphen cannot use dot notation to access nested values. To support dot notation, cloud-init provides an alias by converting each hyphen (-) and period (.) character to an underscore (_). This means that an instance launched with ``-c user.special-key=1FE321`` can be queried using standard jinja notation, ``cloud-init query --format "{{ds.config['user.special-key']}}"`` or may use the alias notation ``cloud-init query --format "{{ds.config.user_special_key}}"`` or ``cloud-init query ds.config.user_special_key``. Configuration ============= By default, network configuration from this datasource will be: .. code-block:: yaml version: 1 config: - type: physical name: eth0 subnets: - type: dhcp control: auto This datasource is intended to replace :ref:`datasource_nocloud` datasource for LXD instances with a more direct support for LXD APIs instead of static NoCloud seed files. Hotplug ======= Network hotplug functionality is supported for the LXD datasource as described in the :ref:`events` documentation. As hotplug functionality relies on the cloud-provided network metadata, the LXD datasource will only meaningfully react to a hotplug event if it has the configuration necessary to respond to the change. Practically, this means that even with hotplug enabled, **the default behavior for adding a new virtual NIC will result in no change**. To update the configuration to be used by hotplug, first pass the network configuration via the ``cloud-init.network-config`` (or ``user.network-config`` on older versions). Example ------- Given an LXD instance named ``my-lxd`` with hotplug enabled and an LXD bridge named ``my-bridge``, the following will allow for additional DHCP configuration of ``eth1``: .. code-block:: shell-session $ cat /tmp/cloud-network-config.yaml version: 2 ethernets: eth0: dhcp4: true eth1: dhcp4: true $ lxc config set my-lxd cloud-init.network-config="$(cat /tmp/cloud-network-config.yaml)" $ lxc config device add my-lxd eth1 nic name=eth1 nictype=bridged parent=my-bridge Device eth1 added to my-lxd .. _LXD socket device: https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/dev-lxd/