.. _merging_user_data: Merging user data sections ************************** The ability to merge user data sections allows a way to specify how cloud-config YAML "dictionaries" provided as user data are handled when there are multiple YAML files to be merged together (e.g., when performing an #include). For example merging these two configurations: .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config (1) runcmd: - bash1 - bash2 #cloud-config (2) runcmd: - bash3 - bash4 Yields the following merged config: .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config (merged) runcmd: - bash1 - bash2 - bash3 - bash4 Built-in mergers ================ ``Cloud-init`` provides merging for the following built-in types: - :command:`Dict` - :command:`List` - :command:`String` ``Dict`` -------- The :command:`Dict` merger has the following options, which control what is done with values contained within the config. - :command:`allow_delete`: Existing values not present in the new value can be deleted. Defaults to ``False``. - :command:`no_replace`: Do not replace an existing value if one is already present. Enabled by default. - :command:`replace`: Overwrite existing values with new ones. ``List`` -------- The :command:`List` merger has the following options, which control what is done with the values contained within the config. - :command:`append`: Add new value to the end of the list. Defaults to ``False``. - :command:`prepend`: Add new values to the start of the list. Defaults to ``False``. - :command:`no_replace`: Do not replace an existing value if one is already present. Enabled by default. - :command:`replace`: Overwrite existing values with new ones. String ------ The :command:`Str` merger has the following options, which control what is done with the values contained within the config. - :command:`append`: Add new value to the end of the string. Defaults to False. Common options -------------- These are the common options for all merge types, which control how recursive merging is done on other types. - :command:`recurse_dict`: If ``True``, merge the new values of the dictionary. Defaults to ``True``. - :command:`recurse_list`: If ``True``, merge the new values of the list. Defaults to ``False``. - :command:`recurse_array`: Alias for ``recurse_list``. - :command:`recurse_str`: If ``True``, merge the new values of the string. Defaults to False. Customisation ============= Because the above merging algorithm may not always be desired (just as the previous merging algorithm was not always the preferred one), the concept of customised merging was introduced through `merge classes`. A `merge class` is a class definition providing functions that can be used to merge a given type with another given type. An example of one of these `merging classes` is the following: .. code-block:: python class Merger: def __init__(self, merger, opts): self._merger = merger self._overwrite = 'overwrite' in opts # This merging algorithm will attempt to merge with # another dictionary, on encountering any other type of object # it will not merge with said object, but will instead return # the original value # # On encountering a dictionary, it will create a new dictionary # composed of the original and the one to merge with, if 'overwrite' # is enabled then keys that exist in the original will be overwritten # by keys in the one to merge with (and associated values). Otherwise # if not in overwrite mode the 2 conflicting keys themselves will # be merged. def _on_dict(self, value, merge_with): if not isinstance(merge_with, (dict)): return value merged = dict(value) for (k, v) in merge_with.items(): if k in merged: if not self._overwrite: merged[k] = self._merger.merge(merged[k], v) else: merged[k] = v else: merged[k] = v return merged As you can see, there is an ``_on_dict`` method here that will be given a source value, and a value to merge with. The result will be the merged object. This code itself is called by another merging class which "directs" the merging to happen by analysing the object types to merge, and attempting to find a known object that will merge that type. An example of this can be found in the :file:`mergers/__init__.py` file (see ``LookupMerger`` and ``UnknownMerger``). So, following the typical ``cloud-init`` approach of allowing source code to be downloaded and used dynamically, it is possible for users to inject their own merging files to handle specific types of merging as they choose (the basic ones included will handle lists, dicts, and strings). Note how each merge can have options associated with it, which affect how the merging is performed. For example, a dictionary merger can be told to overwrite instead of attempting to merge, or a string merger can be told to append strings instead of discarding other strings to merge with. How to activate =============== There are a few ways to activate the merging algorithms, and to customise them for your own usage. 1. The first way involves the usage of MIME messages in ``cloud-init`` to specify multi-part documents (this is one way in which multiple cloud-config can be joined together into a single cloud-config). Two new headers are looked for, both of which can define the way merging is done (the first header to exist "wins"). These new headers (in lookup order) are ``'Merge-Type'`` and ``'X-Merge-Type'``. The value should be a string which will satisfy the new merging format definition (see below for this format). 2. The second way is to specify the `merge type` in the body of the cloud-config dictionary. There are two ways to specify this; either as a string, or as a dictionary (see format below). The keys that are looked up for this definition are the following (in order): ``'merge_how'``, ``'merge_type'``. String format ------------- The following string format is expected: :: classname1(option1,option2)+classname2(option3,option4).... The ``class name`` will be connected to class names used when looking for the class that can be used to merge, and options provided will be given to the class upon construction of that class. The following example shows the default string that gets used when none is otherwise provided: :: list()+dict()+str() Dictionary format ----------------- A dictionary can be used when it specifies the same information as the string format (i.e., the second option above). For example: .. code-block:: python {'merge_how': [{'name': 'list', 'settings': ['append']}, {'name': 'dict', 'settings': ['no_replace', 'recurse_list']}, {'name': 'str', 'settings': ['append']}]} This would be the dictionary equivalent of the default string format. Specifying multiple types, and what this does ============================================= Now you may be asking yourself: "What exactly happens if I specify a ``merge-type`` header or dictionary for every cloud-config I provide?" The answer is that when merging, a stack of ``'merging classes'`` is kept. The first one in the stack is the default merging class. This set of mergers will be used when the first cloud-config is merged with the initial empty cloud-config dictionary. If the cloud-config that was just merged provided a set of merging classes (via the above formats) then those merging classes will be pushed onto the stack. Now if there is a second cloud-config to be merged then the merging classes from the cloud-config before the first will be used (not the default) and so on. In this way a cloud-config can decide how it will merge with a cloud-config dictionary coming after it. Other uses ========== In addition to being used for merging user data sections, the default merging algorithm for merging :file:`'conf.d'` YAML files (which form an initial YAML config for ``cloud-init``) was also changed to use this mechanism, to take advantage of the full benefits (and customisation) here as well. Other places that used the previous merging are also, similarly, now extensible (metadata merging, for example). Note, however, that merge algorithms are not used *across* configuration types. As was the case before merging was implemented, user data will overwrite :file:`'conf.d'` configuration without merging. Example cloud-config ==================== A common request is to include multiple ``runcmd`` directives in different files and merge all of the commands together. To achieve this, we must modify the default merging to allow for dictionaries to join list values. The first config: .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config merge_how: - name: list settings: [append] - name: dict settings: [no_replace, recurse_list] runcmd: - bash1 - bash2 The second config: .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config merge_how: - name: list settings: [append] - name: dict settings: [no_replace, recurse_list] runcmd: - bash3 - bash4