.. _datasource_nocloud: NoCloud ******* The data source ``NoCloud`` is a flexible datasource that can be used in multiple different ways. With NoCloud, the user can provide user data and metadata to the instance without running a network service (or even without having a network at all). Alternatively, one may use a custom webserver to provide configurations. Configuration Methods: ====================== Method 1: Local filesystem, labeled filesystem ---------------------------------------------- To provide cloud-init configurations from the local filesystem, a labeled `vfat`_ or `iso9660`_ filesystem containing user data and metadata may be used. For this method to work, the filesystem volume must be labelled ``CIDATA``. Method 2: Local filesystem, kernel commandline or SMBIOS -------------------------------------------------------- Configuration files can be provided on the local filesystem without a label using kernel commandline arguments or SMBIOS serial number to tell cloud-init where on the filesystem to look. Alternatively, one can provide metadata via the kernel command line or SMBIOS "serial number" option. This argument might look like: :: ds=nocloud;s=file://path/to/directory/;h=node-42 Method 3: Custom webserver: kernel commandline or SMBIOS -------------------------------------------------------- In a similar fashion, configuration files can be provided to cloud-init using a custom webserver at a URL dictated by kernel commandline arguments or SMBIOS serial number. This argument might look like: :: ds=nocloud;s= .. note:: When supplementing kernel parameters in GRUB's boot menu take care to single-quote this full value to avoid GRUB interpreting the semi-colon as a reserved word. See: `GRUB quoting`_ Permitted keys ============== The permitted keys are: * ``h`` or ``local-hostname`` * ``i`` or ``instance-id`` * ``s`` or ``seedfrom`` A valid ``seedfrom`` value consists of: Filesystem ---------- A filesystem path starting with ``/`` or ``file://`` that points to a directory containing files: ``user-data``, ``meta-data``, and (optionally) ``vendor-data`` (a trailing ``/`` is required) HTTP server ----------- An ``http`` or ``https`` URL (a trailing ``/`` is required) File formats ============ These user data and metadata files are required as separate files at the same base URL: :: /user-data /meta-data Both files must be present for it to be considered a valid seed ISO. The ``user-data`` file uses :ref:`user data format` and ``meta-data`` is a YAML-formatted file representing what you'd find in the EC2 metadata service. You may also optionally provide a vendor data file adhering to :ref:`user data formats` at the same base URL: :: /vendor-data DMI-specific kernel commandline =============================== Cloud-init performs variable expansion of the ``seedfrom`` URL for any DMI kernel variables present in :file:`/sys/class/dmi/id` (kenv on FreeBSD). Your ``seedfrom`` URL can contain variable names of the format ``__dmi.varname__`` to indicate to the ``cloud-init`` NoCloud datasource that ``dmi.varname`` should be expanded to the value of the DMI system attribute wanted. .. list-table:: Available DMI variables for expansion in ``seedfrom`` URL :widths: 35 35 30 :header-rows: 0 * - ``dmi.baseboard-asset-tag`` - ``dmi.baseboard-manufacturer`` - ``dmi.baseboard-version`` * - ``dmi.bios-release-date`` - ``dmi.bios-vendor`` - ``dmi.bios-version`` * - ``dmi.chassis-asset-tag`` - ``dmi.chassis-manufacturer`` - ``dmi.chassis-serial-number`` * - ``dmi.chassis-version`` - ``dmi.system-manufacturer`` - ``dmi.system-product-name`` * - ``dmi.system-serial-number`` - ``dmi.system-uuid`` - ``dmi.system-version`` For example, you can pass this option to QEMU: :: -smbios type=1,serial=ds=nocloud;s= This will cause NoCloud to fetch the full metadata from a URL based on YOUR_SERIAL_NUMBER as seen in :file:`/sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_serial_number` (kenv on FreeBSD) from after the network initialisation is complete. Example: Creating a disk ======================== Given a disk Ubuntu cloud image in :file:`disk.img`, you can create a sufficient disk by following the following example. 1. Create the :file:`user-data` and :file:`meta-data` files that will be used to modify the image on first boot. .. code-block:: sh $ echo -e "instance-id: iid-local01\nlocal-hostname: cloudimg" > meta-data $ echo -e "#cloud-config\npassword: passw0rd\nchpasswd: { expire: False }\nssh_pwauth: True\ncreate_hostname_file: true\n" > user-data 2. At this stage you have three options: a. Create a disk to attach with some user data and metadata: .. code-block:: sh $ genisoimage -output seed.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data b. Alternatively, create a ``vfat`` filesystem with the same files: .. code-block:: sh $ truncate --size 2M seed.iso $ mkfs.vfat -n cidata seed.iso * 2b) Option 1: mount and copy files: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo mount -t vfat seed.iso /mnt $ sudo cp user-data meta-data /mnt $ sudo umount /mnt * 2b) Option 2: the ``mtools`` package provides ``mcopy``, which can access ``vfat`` filesystems without mounting them: .. code-block:: $ mcopy -oi seed.iso user-data meta-data :: 3. Create a new qcow image to boot, backed by your original image: .. code-block:: sh $ qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b disk.img -F qcow2 boot-disk.img 4. Boot the image and log in as "Ubuntu" with password "passw0rd": .. code-block:: sh $ kvm -m 256 \ -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \ -drive file=boot-disk.img,if=virtio \ -drive driver=raw,file=seed.iso,if=virtio .. note:: Note that "passw0rd" was set as password through the user data above. There is no password set on these images. .. note:: The ``instance-id`` provided (``iid-local01`` above) is what is used to determine if this is "first boot". So, if you are making updates to user data you will also have to change the ``instance-id``, or start the disk fresh. Also, you can inject an :file:`/etc/network/interfaces` file by providing the content for that file in the ``network-interfaces`` field of :file:`meta-data`. Example ``meta-data`` --------------------- :: instance-id: iid-abcdefg network-interfaces: | iface eth0 inet static address network netmask broadcast gateway hostname: myhost Network configuration can also be provided to ``cloud-init`` in either :ref:`network_config_v1` or :ref:`network_config_v2` by providing that YAML formatted data in a file named :file:`network-config`. If found, this file will override a :file:`network-interfaces` file. See an example below. Note specifically that this file does not have a top level ``network`` key as it is already assumed to be network configuration based on the filename. Example config -------------- .. code-block:: yaml version: 1 config: - type: physical name: interface0 mac_address: "52:54:00:12:34:00" subnets: - type: static address: netmask: gateway: .. code-block:: yaml version: 2 ethernets: interface0: match: macaddress: "52:54:00:12:34:00" set-name: interface0 addresses: - gateway4: .. _iso9660: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660 .. _vfat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table .. _GRUB quoting: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/grub.html#Quoting