.. _datasource_dsname: Datasource dsname ***************** Each datasource has an attribute called dsname. This may be used in the kernel commandline to :ref:`override datasource detection`. The ``dsname`` on the kernel command line may be a case-insensitive match. See the mapping between datasource module names and ``dsname`` in the table below. .. generate the following map with the following one-liner: find cloudinit/sources -name 'DataSource*.py' \ | xargs grep 'dsname =' \ | awk -F '[/:"]' 'BEGIN { print "**Datasource Module**, **dsname**" }\ {print $3 ", " $5}' .. csv-table:: :align: left **Datasource Module**, **dsname** DataSourceRbxCloud.py, RbxCloud DataSourceConfigDrive.py, ConfigDrive DataSourceNoCloud.py, NoCloud DataSourceVultr.py, Vultr DataSourceEc2.py, Ec2 DataSourceOracle.py, Oracle DataSourceMAAS.py, MAAS DataSourceDigitalOcean.py, DigitalOcean DataSourceNone.py, None DataSourceSmartOS.py, Joyent DataSourceHetzner.py, Hetzner DataSourceLXD.py, LXD DataSourceOpenNebula.py, OpenNebula DataSourceAzure.py, Azure DataSourceGCE.py, GCE DataSourceScaleway.py, Scaleway DataSourceAltCloud.py, AltCloud DataSourceCloudSigma.py, CloudSigma DataSourceBigstep.py, Bigstep DataSourceIBMCloud.py, IBMCloud DataSourceOVF.py, OVF DataSourceUpCloud.py, UpCloud DataSourceOpenStack.py, OpenStack DataSourceVMware.py, VMware DataSourceCloudStack.py, CloudStack DataSourceExoscale.py, Exoscale DataSourceAliYun.py, AliYun DataSourceNWCS.py, NWCS DataSourceAkamai.py, Akamai