.. _cli: CLI commands ************ For the latest list of subcommands and arguments use ``cloud-init``'s ``--help`` option. This can be used against ``cloud-init`` itself, or on any of its subcommands. .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init --help Example output: .. code-block:: usage: cloud-init [-h] [--version] [--debug] [--force] {init,modules,single,query,features,analyze,devel,collect-logs,clean,status,schema} ... options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version, -v Show program's version number and exit. --debug, -d Show additional pre-action logging (default: False). --force Force running even if no datasource is found (use at your own risk). Subcommands: {init,modules,single,query,features,analyze,devel,collect-logs,clean,status,schema} init Initialize cloud-init and perform initial modules. modules Activate modules using a given configuration key. single Run a single module. query Query standardized instance metadata from the command line. features List defined features. analyze Devel tool: Analyze cloud-init logs and data. devel Run development tools. collect-logs Collect and tar all cloud-init debug info. clean Remove logs and artifacts so cloud-init can re-run. status Report cloud-init status or wait on completion. schema Validate cloud-config files using jsonschema. The rest of this document will give an overview of each of the subcommands. .. _cli_analyze: :command:`analyze` ================== Get detailed reports of where ``cloud-init`` spends its time during the boot process. For more complete reference see :ref:`analyze`. Possible subcommands include: * :command:`blame`: report ordered by most costly operations. * :command:`dump`: machine-readable JSON dump of all ``cloud-init`` tracked events. * :command:`show`: show time-ordered report of the cost of operations during each boot stage. * :command:`boot`: show timestamps from kernel initialisation, kernel finish initialisation, and ``cloud-init`` start. .. _cli_clean: :command:`clean` ================ Remove ``cloud-init`` artifacts from :file:`/var/lib/cloud` and config files (best effort) to simulate a clean instance. On reboot, ``cloud-init`` will re-run all stages as it did on first boot. * :command:`--logs`: Optionally remove all ``cloud-init`` log files in :file:`/var/log/`. * :command:`--reboot`: Reboot the system after removing artifacts. * :command:`--machine-id`: Set :file:`/etc/machine-id` to ``uninitialized\n`` on this image for systemd environments. On distributions without systemd, remove the file. Best practice when cloning a golden image, to ensure the next boot of that image auto-generates a unique machine ID. `More details on machine-id`_. * :command:`--configs [all | ssh_config | network ]`: Optionally remove all ``cloud-init`` generated config files. Argument `ssh_config` cleans config files for ssh daemon. Argument `network` removes all generated config files for network. `all` removes config files of all types. .. note:: Cloud-init provides the directory :file:`/etc/cloud/clean.d/` for third party applications which need additional configuration artifact cleanup from the filesystem when the `clean` command is invoked. The :command:`clean` operation is typically performed by image creators when preparing a golden image for clone and redeployment. The clean command removes any cloud-init semaphores, allowing cloud-init to treat the next boot of this image as the "first boot". When the image is next booted cloud-init will performing all initial configuration based on any valid datasource meta-data and user-data. Any executable scripts in this subdirectory will be invoked in lexicographical order with run-parts when running the :command:`clean` command. Typical format of such scripts would be a ##- like the following: :file:`/etc/cloud/clean.d/99-live-installer` An example of a script is: .. code-block:: bash sudo rm -rf /var/lib/installer_imgs/ sudo rm -rf /var/log/installer/ .. _cli_collect_logs: :command:`collect-logs` ======================= Collect and tar ``cloud-init``-generated logs, data files, and system information for triage. This subcommand is integrated with apport. Logs collected include: * :file:`/var/log/cloud-init.log` * :file:`/var/log/cloud-init-output.log` * :file:`/run/cloud-init` * :file:`/var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt` * ``cloud-init`` package version * ``dmesg`` output * ``journalctl`` output .. note:: Ubuntu users can file bugs using :command:`ubuntu-bug cloud-init` to automatically attach these logs to a bug report. .. _cli_devel: :command:`devel` ================ Collection of development tools under active development. These tools will likely be promoted to top-level subcommands when stable. Do **NOT** rely on the output of these commands as they can and will change. Current subcommands: :command:`net-convert` ---------------------- Manually use ``cloud-init``'s network format conversion. Useful for testing configuration or testing changes to the network conversion logic itself. :command:`render` ----------------- Use ``cloud-init``'s jinja template render to process **#cloud-config** or **custom-scripts**, injecting any variables from :file:`/run/cloud-init/instance-data.json`. It accepts a user data file containing the jinja template header ``## template: jinja`` and renders that content with any :file:`instance-data.json` variables present. :command:`hotplug-hook` ----------------------- Hotplug related subcommands. This command is intended to be called via a ``systemd`` service and is not considered user-accessible except for debugging purposes. :command:`query` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Query if hotplug is enabled for a given subsystem. :command:`handle` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Respond to newly added system devices by retrieving updated system metadata and bringing up/down the corresponding device. :command:`enable` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enable hotplug for a given subsystem. This is a last resort command for administrators to enable hotplug in running instances. The recommended method is configuring :ref:`events`, if not enabled by default in the active datasource. .. _cli_features: :command:`features` =================== Print out each feature supported. If ``cloud-init`` does not have the :command:`features` subcommand, it also does not support any features described in this document. .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init features Example output: .. code-block:: NETWORK_CONFIG_V1 NETWORK_CONFIG_V2 .. _cli_init: :command:`init` =============== Generally run by OS init systems to execute ``cloud-init``'s stages: *init* and *init-local*. See :ref:`boot_stages` for more info. Can be run on the commandline, but is generally gated to run only once due to semaphores in :file:`/var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/` and :file:`/var/lib/cloud/sem`. * :command:`--local`: Run *init-local* stage instead of *init*. * :command:`--file` : Use additional yaml configuration files. .. _cli_modules: :command:`modules` ================== Generally run by OS init systems to execute ``modules:config`` and ``modules:final`` boot stages. This executes cloud config :ref:`modules` configured to run in the Init, Config and Final stages. The modules are declared to run in various boot stages in the file :file:`/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg` under keys: * ``cloud_init_modules`` * ``cloud_config_modules`` * ``cloud_final_modules`` Can be run on the command line, but each module is gated to run only once due to semaphores in :file:`/var/lib/cloud/`. * :command:`--mode [init|config|final]`: Run ``modules:init``, ``modules:config`` or ``modules:final`` ``cloud-init`` stages. See :ref:`boot_stages` for more info. * :command:`--file` : Use additional yaml configuration files. .. _cli_query: :command:`query` ================ Query standardised cloud instance metadata crawled by ``cloud-init`` and stored in :file:`/run/cloud-init/instance-data.json`. This is a convenience command-line interface to reference any cached configuration metadata that ``cloud-init`` crawls when booting the instance. See :ref:`instance_metadata` for more info. * :command:`--all`: Dump all available instance data as JSON which can be queried. * :command:`--instance-data`: Optional path to a different :file:`instance-data.json` file to source for queries. * :command:`--list-keys`: List available query keys from cached instance data. * :command:`--format`: A string that will use jinja-template syntax to render a string replacing. * :command:``: A dot-delimited variable path into the :file:`instance-data.json` object. Below demonstrates how to list all top-level query keys that are standardised aliases: .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init query --list-keys Example output: .. code-block:: _beta_keys availability_zone base64_encoded_keys cloud_name ds instance_id local_hostname platform public_ssh_keys region sensitive_keys subplatform userdata v1 vendordata Here are a few examples of how to query standardised metadata from clouds: .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init query v1.cloud_name Example output: .. code-block:: aws # or openstack, azure, gce etc. Any standardised ``instance-data`` under a key is aliased as a top-level key for convenience: .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init query cloud_name Example output: .. code-block:: aws # or openstack, azure, gce etc. One can also query datasource-specific metadata on EC2, e.g.: .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init query ds.meta_data.public_ipv4 .. note:: The standardised instance data keys under **v#** are guaranteed not to change behaviour or format. If using top-level convenience aliases for any standardised instance data keys, the most value (highest **v#**) of that key name is what is reported as the top-level value. So these aliases act as a 'latest'. This data can then be formatted to generate custom strings or data. For example, we can generate a custom hostname FQDN based on ``instance-id``, cloud and region: .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init query --format 'custom-{{instance_id}}.{{region}}.{{v1.cloud_name}}.com' .. code-block:: custom-i-0e91f69987f37ec74.us-east-2.aws.com .. _cli_schema: :command:`schema` ================= Validate cloud-config files using jsonschema. * :command:`-h, --help`: Show this help message and exit. * :command:`-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE`: Path of the cloud-config YAML file to validate. * :command:`-t SCHEMA_TYPE, --schema-type SCHEMA_TYPE`: The schema type to validate --config-file against. One of: cloud-config, network-config. Default: cloud-config. * :command:`--system`: Validate the system cloud-config user data. * :command:`-d DOCS [cc_module ...], --docs DOCS [cc_module ...]`: Print schema module docs. Choices are: "all" or "space-delimited" ``cc_names``. * :command:`--annotate`: Annotate existing cloud-config file with errors. The following example checks a config file and annotates the config file with errors on :file:`stdout`. .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init schema -c ./config.yml --annotate .. _cli_single: :command:`single` ================= Attempt to run a single, named, cloud config module. * :command:`--name`: The cloud-config module name to run. * :command:`--frequency`: Module frequency for this run. One of (``always``|``instance``|``once``). * :command:`--report`: Enable reporting. * :command:`--file` : Use additional yaml configuration files. The following example re-runs the ``cc_set_hostname`` module ignoring the module default frequency of ``instance``: .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init single --name set_hostname --frequency always .. note:: Mileage may vary trying to re-run each ``cloud-config`` module, as some are not idempotent. .. _cli_status: :command:`status` ================= Report whether ``cloud-init`` is running, done, disabled or errored. Exits non-zero if an error is detected in ``cloud-init``. * :command:`--long`: Detailed status information. * :command:`--wait`: Block until ``cloud-init`` completes. * :command:`--format [yaml|json|tabular]`: Machine-readable JSON or YAML detailed output. The :command:`status` command can be used simply as follows: .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init status Which shows whether ``cloud-init`` is currently running, done, disabled, or in error, as in this example output: .. code-block:: status: running The :command:`--long` option, shown below, provides a more verbose output. .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init status --long Example output when ``cloud-init`` is running: .. code-block:: status: running time: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 21:39:43 +0000 detail: Running in stage: init-local Example output when ``cloud-init`` is done: .. code-block:: status: done boot_status_code: enabled-by-generator last_update: Tue, 16 Aug 2022 19:12:58 +0000 detail: DataSourceNoCloud [seed=/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net][dsmode=net] The detailed output can be shown in machine-readable JSON or YAML with the :command:`format` option, for example: .. code-block:: shell-session $ cloud-init status --format=json Which would produce the following example output: .. code-block:: { "boot_status_code": "enabled-by-generator", "datasource": "nocloud", "detail": "DataSourceNoCloud [seed=/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net][dsmode=net]", "errors": [], "last_update": "Tue, 16 Aug 2022 19:12:58 +0000", "status": "done" } .. _More details on machine-id: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/machine-id.html