.. _availability: Availability ************ Below outlines the current availability of ``cloud-init`` across distributions and clouds, both public and private. .. note:: If a distribution or cloud does not show up in the list below, contact them and ask for images to be generated using ``cloud-init``! Distributions ============= ``Cloud-init`` has support across all major Linux distributions, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and DragonFlyBSD: - Alpine Linux - Arch Linux - Debian - DragonFlyBSD - Fedora - FreeBSD - Gentoo Linux - NetBSD - OpenBSD - Photon OS - RHEL/CentOS/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/EuroLinux - SLES/openSUSE - Ubuntu Clouds ====== ``Cloud-init`` provides support across a wide ranging list of execution environments in the public cloud: - Amazon Web Services - Microsoft Azure - Google Cloud Platform - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Softlayer - Rackspace Public Cloud - IBM Cloud - DigitalOcean - Bigstep - Hetzner - Joyent - CloudSigma - Alibaba Cloud - OVH - OpenNebula - Exoscale - Scaleway - CloudStack - AltCloud - SmartOS - UpCloud - Vultr - Zadara Edge Cloud Platform - 3DS Outscale - Akamai Additionally, ``cloud-init`` is supported on these private clouds: - Bare metal installs - OpenStack - LXD - KVM - Metal-as-a-Service (MAAS) - VMware