.. _integration_tests: Integration testing ******************* Overview ========= Integration tests are written using ``pytest`` and are located at :file:`tests/integration_tests`. General design principles laid out in :ref:`testing` should be followed for integration tests. Setup is accomplished via a set of fixtures located in :file:`tests/integration_tests/conftest.py`. Test definition =============== Tests are defined like any other ``pytest`` test. The ``user_data`` mark can be used to supply the cloud-config user data. Platform-specific marks can be used to limit tests to particular platforms. The ``client`` fixture can be used to interact with the launched test instance. See `Examples`_ section for examples. Test execution ============== Test execution happens via ``pytest``. A ``tox`` definition exists to run integration tests. To run all integration tests, you would run: .. code-block:: bash $ tox -e integration-tests ``pytest`` arguments may also be passed. For example: .. code-block:: bash $ tox -e integration-tests tests/integration_tests/modules/test_combined.py Configuration ============= All possible configuration values are defined in `tests/integration_tests/integration_settings.py`_. Defaults can be overridden by supplying values in :file:`tests/integration_tests/user_settings.py` or by providing an environment variable of the same name prepended with ``CLOUD_INIT_``. For example, to set the ``PLATFORM`` setting: .. code-block:: bash CLOUD_INIT_PLATFORM='ec2' pytest tests/integration_tests/ Cloud interaction ================= Cloud interaction happens via the `pycloudlib library`_. In order to run integration tests, pycloudlib must `first be configured`_. For a minimal setup using LXD, write the following to :file:`~/.config/pycloudlib.toml`: .. code-block:: toml [lxd] Image selection =============== Each integration testing run uses a single image as its basis. This image is configured using the ``OS_IMAGE`` variable; see `Configuration`_ for details of how configuration works. ``OS_IMAGE`` can take two types of value: an Ubuntu series name (e.g. "focal"), or an image specification. If an Ubuntu series name is given, then the most recent image for that series on the target cloud will be used. For other use cases, an image specification is used. In its simplest form, an image specification can simply be a cloud's image ID (e.g., "ami-deadbeef", "ubuntu:focal"). In this case, the identified image will be used as the basis for this testing run. This has a drawback, however. As we do not know what OS or release is within the image, the integration testing framework will run *all* tests against the image in question. If it's a RHEL8 image, then we would expect Ubuntu-specific tests to fail (and vice versa). To address this, a full image specification can be given. This is of the form: ``[::[::]]`` where ``image_id`` is a cloud's image ID, ``os`` is the OS name, and ``release`` is the OS release name. So, for example, Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) on LXD is ``ubuntu:bionic::ubuntu::bionic`` or RHEL8 on Amazon is ``ami-justanexample::rhel::8``. When a full specification is given, only tests which are intended for use on that OS and release will be executed. Image setup =========== Image setup occurs once when a test session begins and is implemented via fixture. Image setup roughly follows these steps: * Launch an instance on the specified test platform. * Install the version of ``cloud-init`` under test. * Run :command:`cloud-init clean` on the instance so subsequent boots resemble "out of the box" behaviour. * Take a snapshot of the instance to be used as a new image from which new instances can be launched. Test setup ========== Test setup occurs between image setup and test execution. Test setup is implemented via one of the ``client`` fixtures. When a ``client`` fixture is used, a test instance from which to run tests is launched prior to test execution, and then torn down after. Continuous integration ====================== A subset of the integration tests are run when a pull request is submitted on GitHub. The tests run on these continuous integration (CI) runs are given a ``pytest`` mark: .. code-block:: python @pytest.mark.ci Most new tests should *not* use this mark, so be aware that having a successful CI run does not necessarily mean that your test passed successfully. Fixtures ======== Integration tests rely heavily on fixtures to do initial test setup. One or more of these fixtures will be used in almost every integration test. Details such as the cloud platform or initial image to use are determined via what is specified in the `Configuration`_. ``client`` ---------- The ``client`` fixture should be used for most test cases. It ensures: - All setup performed by `session_cloud`_ and `setup_image`_. - `Pytest marks`_ used during instance creation are obtained and applied. - The test instance is launched. - Test failure status is determined after test execution. - Logs are collected (if configured) after test execution. - The test instance is torn down after test execution. ``module_client`` and ``class_client`` fixtures also exist for the purpose of running multiple tests against a single launched instance. They provide the exact same functionality as ``client``, but are scoped to the module or class respectively. ``session_cloud`` ----------------- The ``session_cloud`` session-scoped fixture will provide an `IntegrationCloud`_ instance for the currently configured cloud. The fixture also ensures that any custom cloud session cleanup is performed. ``setup_image`` --------------- The ``setup_image`` session-scope fixture will create a new image to launch all further cloud instances during this test run. It ensures: - A cloud instance is launched on the configured platform. - The version of ``cloud-init`` under test is installed on the instance. - :command:`cloud-init clean --logs` is run on the instance. - A snapshot of the instance is taken to be used as the basis for future instance launches. - The originally launched instance is torn down. - The custom created image is torn down after all tests finish. Examples -------- A simple test case using the ``client`` fixture: .. code-block:: python USER_DATA = """\ #cloud-config bootcmd: - echo 'hello!' > /var/tmp/hello.txt """ @pytest.mark.user_data(USER_DATA) def test_bootcmd(client): log = client.read_from_file("/var/log/cloud-init.log") assert "Shellified 1 commands." in log assert client.execute('cat /var/tmp/hello.txt').strip() == "hello!" Customizing the launch arguments before launching an instance manually: .. code-block:: python def test_launch(session_cloud: IntegrationCloud, setup_image): with session_cloud.launch(launch_kwargs={"wait": False}) as client: client.instance.wait() assert client.execute("echo hello world").strip() == "hello world" .. LINKS: .. _tests/integration_tests/integration_settings.py: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/main/tests/integration_tests/integration_settings.py .. _pycloudlib library: https://pycloudlib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html .. _first be configured: https://pycloudlib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html#configuration .. _Pytest marks: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/af7eb1deab12c7208853c5d18b55228e0ba29c4d/tests/integration_tests/conftest.py#L220-L224 .. _IntegrationCloud: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/af7eb1deab12c7208853c5d18b55228e0ba29c4d/tests/integration_tests/clouds.py#L102