.. _docs_layout: Documentation directory layout ****************************** Cloud-init's documentation directory structure, with respect to the root directory: .. code-block:: text /doc/ - examples/ - man/ - rtd/ - tutorial/ - howto/ - explanation/ - reference/ - development/ - static/ - css/ - js/ - *logos* - *conf.py* - *index.rst* - *links.txt* - rtd_html/ - sources/ ``examples/`` ============= ``man/`` ======== This subdirectory contains the Linux man pages for the binaries provided by cloud-init. ``rtd/`` ======== This subdirectory is of most interest to anyone who wants to create or update either the content of the documentation, or the styling of it. * The content of the documentation is organised according to the `Diataxis`_ framework and can be found in the subdirectories: ``tutorial/``, ``howto/``, ``explanation/``, and ``reference/``. * The ``development/`` subdirectory contains documentation for contributors. * ``static/`` contains content that relates to the styling of the documentation in the form of custom CSS or javascript files found in ``css/`` and ``js/`` respectively. This is also where you can find the cloud-init logo. * ``conf.py`` contains Sphinx configuration commands. * ``index.rst`` is the front page of the documentation. * ``links.txt`` contains common (and reusable) links so that you do not need to define the same URLs on every page and can use a more convenient shorthand when referencing often-used links. ``rtd_html/`` ============= When the documentation is built locally using ``tox -e doc``, the built pages can be found in this folder. ``sources/`` ============ This subdirectory contains demos which can help the reader understand how parts of the product work. .. LINKS .. include:: ../links.txt